The Glory Impact Center is a faith-based organization, founded on Isaiah 61:1. We believe that GOD has called us to minister to the needs of the broken, hurting, and experiencing hardships. Our ministry program helps broken people overcome whatever has them stuck in life, by offering words of strength and practical guidance so that they can be made whole. We want to meet people at their point of need, so that they can flourish and be free to become all that GOD has called them to be.
*Bible studies helps people learn about GOD and the Bible in order to grow in their relationship with GOD, and live victoriously in Christ.
*The discipleship program is a mentoring program that will teach people how to apply biblical principles to their everyday lives.
*The goal of the ministry outreach program is to share the love of Christ by meeting people at their point of need so that they can be set free and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.